Tapping to Boost Immunity

EFT Tapping is an Emotional Freedom Technique tool to deal with pain, stress, fear, physical trigger symptoms, depression, etc. If you do it correctly, it can be life-changing like it was for me and it can increase your immune system markers by as much as 113%(*1). I personally went from extreme panic type fear level 10 to being very calm level 1-2. In a little more detail, EFT tapping has you stimulate 13 acupressure points with your own fingertips while focusing your mind on stressful events. This re-trains your body to respond with calm, rather than stress, to negative experiences. It’s an effective technique to deal with pain, stress, fear, physical trigger symptoms, and vasovagal reaction triggers.

My twin sister, Marcia introduced me to EFT tapping years ago and insisted I tap with her. To say this actually is effective is an understatement. I was free of embarrassing panic and was able to stay calm during medical procedures. I’ve also used it many times when my mind would go to a dark place. Please consider trying it.  It really does work. 

Here is the link to Nick Ortner’s book that explains it all, and a link to his YouTube clip for a quick instructional video and explanation.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbTTZlfvjkQ Talk show

Nick Ortner Tapping lesson

*1 - https://eftuniverse.com/certification/the-eft-seminar/?gclid=CjwKCAiA9qKbBhAzEiwAS4yeDTgvTXpXLe486qJ11p3rl0P1SlNH0hKzgh9SFVKsRmsJpFxorfSVoRoCSM0QAvD_BwE

*2 - https://www.healthline.com/health/eft-tapping


A salad a day!


Turkey Tail & Gut Health