I think I could have a Ph.D. in NOT being motivated to exercise. I still must play mind games with myself. I will start with a 2-minute goal and while exercising increase it by 2-minute intervals until I reach 10 minutes of rebounding. I mainly start with 2 minutes because that’s what it takes to get your lymphatic system pumping and detox your system of waste.
It’s really important if you’re fighting cancer or any disease to start rebounding. I know that, but sometimes we get so busy, or lazy :). One of the two could mean the difference between beating cancer or preventing a recurrence. We must press on! I know each tiny piece of the puzzle for beating cancer is important and movement and rebounding are up towards the top of the list.
Something that motivated me a little was a report I found recently that stated NASA discovered that rebounding works the body without excess pressure on the legs and feet. It also increases your oxygen by up to 68% more than running because of the g-force increase, which benefits the body on a cellular level.
I know your family will notice how much better you feel when you start moving. I love this cute Your Tube video I found.