Blue Zone Immunity Boosts - Beat Cancer Naturally with Superfood Immune Boosting Habits

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Laughter is the best Medicine

Laughter is the best medicine. I’m not sure who said this, but I know this really works.  When I was going through surgery recovery and cancer treatment, my kids sent me filtered Snapchat that was super silly.  I would bust into laughter at the sight of them and then I would record one to them and would burst out laughing again.  Sometimes the nurses at the hospital would say, “You’re having too much fun in here”.  

Family fun while fighting cancer.

Please do everything you can to not lose your sense of humor.  I know I have spent many hours at the cancer center, and the sound of me laughing often turned heads.  I would hear people say, “Why are you so happy?”, or please share what is making you laugh”.  Many people are going through this trial with no support system. If that’s the case for you, please find ways to laugh every day.  I know one time I made a funny chia pet costume for my little dog, and every time I put it on him, I couldn’t stop laughing.

Dr. Elson Haas, MD counsels us to pay attention to what we watch online or on TV. He said we can protect our immune health and mood by watching something funny, rather than something scary, suspenseful, or even the news.  He also said, A good belly laugh can not only improve our mood, but it can melt tension, stimulate the heart, soothe your muscles, and can improve the immune system.  So, he asks that we all add a dose or two of belly laughs every day as part of our healing plan’s lifestyle enhancement.  What made you laugh today?