Earthing! Once you start you will never stop!

Mother and daughter earthing!

To put this in simple terms, Grounding or Earthing is when you take off your shoes and walk barefoot on the earth outside. Doing this allows the earth's electrons to flow into your body. Something similar happens when you touch, stand, or sleep on Ground Therapy products inside your home. This simply plugs into the grounding prong on your wall outlet, you should always use a surge protector.

In Costa Rica, I learned you should make sure your body is connected to the earth. I was told if you have issues with inflammation, sleep, pain & stiffness, anxiety, and wound healing, you need to be earthing. When my husband and I started earthing, we first noticed a reduction in snoring.

So fast forward several years, and I spend about 50% of my day grounded/earthing. Grounding can be achieved by direct contact with the Earth’s surface (e.g., by standing or walking barefoot) or by using conductive systems (e.g., grounding mats) People can connect to the Earth by sleeping or sitting on the grounding mats, which are equipped with a conductive wire connecting to the ground outside. The connection to the Earth allows the free electrons to flow into the body and reach an electrical equilibrium between the body and the Earth [11]. Because it’s so convenient, I usually ground with a grounding mat. If the weather is stormy, I unplug the mat.

My chemo treatments left me with severe joint pain and sleep issues. I can say this truly helps me to this day. To do this you simply go barefoot outside. Period. Sounds easy enough. Well, I live on a small ranch outside of Waco, TX. When I first started grounding, I would go outside and stand, make phone calls I needed to make while standing barefoot, try to avoid stepping on stickers, etc. I also tried doing some yoga on a towel. I could make it around 20 minutes or so. Then the weather turned bad in Texas. I pretty much quit. After that, I went back down to Costa Rica during the dry season to get my feet in the sand and do plenty of barefoot grounding. On that trip, I was reminded that I could purchase a grounding mat or sheet that I could sleep on and get plenty of hours of grounding. I was excited to hear that. I also wrote down the name of Clint Ober which was mentioned to me. I read his book.

I ordered a mat to put on my desk and also a quilted blanket and then later sheets that I ended up putting on our bed in a way that my husband could get the benefits too. So the first unexpected benefit we noticed after about a week was that we didn’t snore as much. That was nice, we also slept better than ever. My joint pain left about 2 weeks later. It’s never come back. My ovarian cancer has never come back. My husband’s back pain let up greatly. He’s had back issues for over 25 years. it’s very interesting.

Don't WAIT for your next beach or lake vacation to go outside of your home and let your feet rest in the grass, sand, or soil.

When you sleep, put your earthing sheets you’ll be resting your body as if you were on the ground.

I read an article on this topic in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health Volume 2012, Article ID 291541 that stated, “The research done to date supports the concept that earthing the human body may be an essential element in the health equation along with sunshine, clean air and water, nutritious food, and physical activity”.

I just wish my earthing involved a sandy beach right now! But the next best thing is my earthing sheets and mats. Make sure you order at least one product with a grounding tester and Clint Ober’s book. I’m going to include a link below to the products I’ve ordered before and used. You also can wash them. I travel with the pillowcase and just put that under my legs. I’ll also include the link to the earthing mat I keep under my feet while working barefoot.

~ Nancy Davison

I’ve provided two links to products I have personally used and love.


You must drink water!